Vanitas by the Sea / Vanitas par la mer at the Théâtre Capitol Theatre Art Gallery, January 08 - March 03, 2024
Vanitas Chicory 2020 © Barbara Safran de Niverville
"Vanitas Vivace" a short experimental film, had its international premiere at the FLIGHT / Mostra Internazionale del Cinema di Genova 2021.
Shown at Atlantic Shorts 5, FIN Atlantic International Film Festival 2022.
"Vanitas Vivace is visual poetry," Cat LeBlanc, NB Film Co-op. "Vanitas Vivace" was recently shown at the Silver Wave Film Festival in the Showcase Program, November 2021.
Based on the painting above, "Vanitas Vivace" was animated, directed and produced by Peter de Niverville with an original soundtrack by Abigail de Niverville.
Naturo Elementa II
Galerie d'Art Bernard - Jean, Caraquet, NB September 08 to October 21, 2023
Naturo Elementa
Centre des arts et de culture de Dieppe, NB August 02 to November 05, 2022
Autumn Equinox / Équinox d'automne 2021
Left - Dawn or Dusk / L'aube ou la crépuscule 2021
Right - Between the Reeds / Entre les roseaux 2021
Vanitas by the Sea / Vanitas par la mer
Andrew & Laura McCain Art Gallery
Florenceville-Bristol, NB July 10 to August 21, 2021
Wild Lupins and Creamer / Lupins sauvages et crémier 2021
Artist's Choice Show at Gallery 78, Fredericton, NB
June 11 to July10, 2021
Sea Pinks / Armeria maritima 2020
Spring Show at Gallery 78
Sottobosco : The Forest Floor / Le sol de la forêt
February 21 to March 22, 2020
Old Man's Beard / Barbe de veillard 2018
March 28 - May 26 / 28 mars - 26 mai 2019
New Brunswick Museum, Saint John, NB
The Rooms Corporation, St. John's NL Parks Canada : Terra Nova National Park
Sous-bois / Undergrowth le 23 février au 20 mars 2019
Galerie 12, Centre culturel Aberdeen
140 rue Botsford, Moncton, N.-B.
Animé par sa recherche aux résidences Art in the Park au parc national Terra Nova, NL et la résidence SÍM à Reykjavik,Iceland, Barbara examine la croissance végétale sur le tapis forestier dans le cadre d'une série de photos et de dessins à médias mixtes.
Prompted by her research during the Art in the Park residency at Terra Nova National Park and the SÍM Residency in Reykjavik,Iceland, Barbara examines plant growth along the forest floor in a series of photos and mixed media drawings.
Rencontre primordiale 2 !! was on exhibition in 2 locations, Thursday, September 27th Location #1: Greater Moncton Roméo LeBlanc International Airport Location #2: Apple Art Gallery Gallery 333 St. George St. Moncton, NB (Second Floor,Suite 200, entrance from sidewalk)
L’Acadie des terres et forêts en fête , Les Éloizes 2018 du 2 au 6 mai 2018! Edmundston, NB
Nomination : Prix Éloizes, Artiste de l'année 2018 AAAPNB, l'Association acadienne des artistes professionel.le.s du Nouveau Brunswick
L'académie des arts et des lettres de l'Antlantique a nommé Barbara finaliste pour le prix Éloizes, artiste de l'année! Barbara was named one of 3 finalists for the Artist of the Year, Prix Éloize, for her series 'Rencontre primordiale'!
Rencontre primordiale / Primordial Encounter at UNB Art Centre, April 13 - May 18, 2018
Opening / Vernissage April 13 from 5 - 7 PM.
Exposition : Rencontre primordiale à Galerie 12, Centre culturel Aberdeen, Moncton, NB , le 07 avril au 03 mai, 2017
L to R : Communication, Pipeline, Les serres, La font glacial
Galerie 12, Moncton, NB 2017
With the support of / Avec le soutient de
Studio Visit with New York art writer and critic Stephanie Buhmann 2016
Left to right : Barbara and Stephanie.
Friday, November 11 , 2016 Barbara welcomed Stephanie Buhmann to her Riverview studio. Stephanie is the author of the book New York Studio Conversations : Seventeen Women Talk About Art (The Green Box : Berlin). Stephanie visited New Brunswick as art-critic-in-residence at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Fredericton. She had many insightful and encouraging comments regarding Barbara's work. Thank you to the Beaverbrook Art Gallery and the Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation for making this possible!
Cours de dessin à l'Université de Moncton
Barbara a instruit le dessin, la peinture et l'Histoire de
l'art acadien à temps partiel. 2014, 2016 - 2020
Studio at 391 Coverdale Rd. Riverview, NB
the Chocolate River Station, from 2016 - 2024
Émergeance d'intrusion au Centre culturel franco-manitobain le 3 mars au 12 mai 2016.
340 boulevard Provencher, Saint-Boniface, Winnipeg MB
Eau sombre en exposition. Dark Water series on display.
Bouquet installation murale. Bouquet wall installation.
L to R : Épilobes en épi / Fireweed, Bouquet des papillons / Butterfly Bouquet,
Persistence / Persistance
Eau sombre 5 Plexiglas incisé sur bois peint en acrylique
Dark Water 5 incised Plexiglass over wood painted in acrylics
Tide Pool 3, Plexiglass and acrylic on panels
Laissé par la marée3, Plexiglas et acrylique sur panneaux
Vernissage le jeudi 3 mars à 17h! March 3, concurrently with "Méthodologie pour touristes" by Mathieu Léger at La Maison des Artistes, also at St-Boniface.
BILLIE: Undercurrents in Atlantic Canadian Visual Culture
Inaugural Issue September 26, 2015
"Herménégilde Chiasson on the Language of Landscape"
Interview by Barbara Safran de Niverville
Published by the Beaverbrook Art Gallery in conjunction with the
Marion McCain Exhibition of Contemporary Atlantic Art:
Writing Topography
September 26 to November 1, 2015, Fredericton, NB Canada.
SÍM Residency, Korpúlfsstađir, Reykjavik, Iceland
July 03-31, 2015, with the Association of Icelandic Visual Artists
and the support of ArtsNB.
Mont Esja, ébauche, plexiglas incisé sur bois peint
Mount Esja, sketch, incised Plexiglass over painted wood
The urgency of clean water to all life has driven my research during the SÍM Residency project. The unique landscape of Iceland has provided archetypal images of water in its various forms: volcanic steam, glacial ice, run-off water in streams or rivers, and seawater along the coastline.
Dark Water, Dark Matter / Eau sombre, matière sombre
Exhibition June 5 - 24, 2015 at Galerie 12, Centre culturel Aberdeen
140 Botsford St. Moncton, NB, Canada
Exposition le 5 au 24, juin 2015 à la Galerie 12, Centre culturel Aberdeen,
140 rue Botsford, Moncton, N.-B. Canada
NB Acquisitions Exhibition/Exposition des acquisitions
du Nouveau Brunswick 2013-14
Abundance 2012 acrylic on canvas
Abundance acquired by the Collection New Brunswick Art Bank
exhibition that toured the province 2013-14 : Dieppe, Edmundston,
Caraquet, Pointe-de-l'Église, Saint John, and Fredericton, NB.
Selected Works at la maison Tait House, Shediac, NB
with artists Suzanne Dallaire and Linda Corbin.
October 10, to December 20, 2014.
Boston Young Contemporaries group exhibition
Bouquet 2 & 3 (2013)
Boston University, 808 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA. July 18 - August 21, 2014.
Children's Puppet Making and Performance workshop
Struts & Faucet Media Arts Center July 29 - August 1 afternoons from 1 - 4 PM
in conjunction with the Ok. Quoi? Festival, 2014
Bouquet at the Struts Gallery & Faucet Media Arts Center
Sackville, NB, May 4 -18, 2014
Master of Fine Arts in Visual Art Graduate Exhibition
JANUARY 6 - 11, 2014
Cambridge, MA.
Deux regards : Barbara Safran de Niverville & Gisèle Ouellette
Galerie 12, Centre culturel Aberdeen, Moncton, NB, July 12 to August 7, 2013
Deux regards, oeuvres par Barbara
Deux regards, oeuvres par Barbara